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Chief: Thomas F. Oates III
Address: 242 Clinton Street
Woonsocket RI 02895
Phone: (401) 766-1212
Number of Officers: 101
Population Served: 50000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Crisis Negotiations, Drone, Drug Task Force, K-9 Unit, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical, Traffic Unit, Vice Squad And more...

About the Woonsocket Police Department


Mission Statement

The Woonsocket Police Department is committed to the service of the citizens of this city. We shall devote our resources in partnership with the community to foster a safe and secure environment, which is free from the threat of crime.

Our goal is to enhance the quality of life through proactive policing while offering dignified and courteous assistance to the public. We will continue to respect the cultural diversity of the citizens in our effort to nurture public trust.

We will enforce all laws and ordinances in a fair, ethical and impartial manner while upholding the principles of The Constitution of the United States.

Our mission will only be fulfilled in an atmosphere that is responsive to our members and seeks their involvement in problem solving. As we strive to develop each officer through training, we will hold ourselves accountable for our actions and take pride in providing a professional level of service.

The Woonsocket Police Department is a full-service municipal police department with 101 sworn police personnel when at full strength. It serves the City of Woonsocket, Rhode Island with a population of over 43,000 and a total area of over 7 square miles. The police department handles approximately 36,000 calls for service each year.


The Woonsocket Police Department ensures that deaf and hard-of-hearing people have full and equal enjoyment of its services, privileges, facilities, advantages and accommodations, and it will provide Auxiliary Aids and Services at no cost to ensure Effective Communication with these individuals. Ask us for help.