Logo for: PoliceApp
Chief: Brian Levesque
Address: 31 Baboosic Lake Rd
Merrimack NH 03054
Phone: (603) 424-3774
Number of Officers: 45
Population Served: 26632
Seasonal Pop. Served: 26632
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Drone, K-9 Unit, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical

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About the Merrimack Police Department


Mission Statement

It is the mission of the members of Merrimack Police Department to protect life and property, uphold the law, reduce crime, and foster strong community policing partnerships with the people we serve in our community.

  • Department History

  • Research through the Town of Merrimack Annual Reports show that as far back as 1893, the Town of Merrimack had some sort of Law Enforcement in place.

    It was in 1893 that the Town of Merrimack actually had a town resident appointed to serve as a Law Enforcer. There were two men named to that post which was titled "Constable and Ballot Clerk". They were Mr. Lewis J. Read and Mr. G.E. Blanchard. They were paid $6.00 each for their services that year.

    From 1893 to 1940, there were no "Police Officers", per se. The persons charged with enforcing laws were called "Constables". For most of those years, there were three men who responded when the need arose.

    In 1940, the Town of Merrimack began its very first Police Department with its first Police Chief.

  • Merrimack Police Volunteer Program

  • In 2011 our agency lost a patrolman's position. It was just a realization and a fact of the times with a down economy of our agencies need to do more with less. To maintain the level of service that our community is accustomed to, and the level that we strive to provide, we have had to be innovative. A discussion began among the staff of the possibility of recruiting volunteers to assist us in our objectives. Lt. Denise Roy began research in the area and learned of many agencies actively using volunteers to assist in their mission. A proposal was drafted and presented to the town administrators and the matter was approved and pressed forward.


  • Police Department Services

  • As a community oriented police department, we are always looking for ways to interact with our community. We recognize the our mission is, and will continue to be one of "Service to the Community" and "Commitment to Excellence".

    The Services listed in the column on the left and on this page identify the various programs currently being offered. It is with great pleasure that we offer these programs. Most have been in response to your requests, the remainder have been generated by the officers themselves.

    The community-policing concept is ingrained into our daily activities, and it is with that enthusiasm that we wish to serve this community. Suggestions are always welcome. If you should require a service that you do not see, please let us know.
