Logo for: PoliceApp
Chief: Todd Muilenberg
Address: 26 Main Street
Jaffrey NH 03452
Phone: (603) 532-7865
Fax: (603) 532-7866
Number of Officers: 11
Population Served: 5500
Seasonal Pop. Served: 5500
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, SWAT/Tactical

About the Jaffrey Police Department

JPD Website Logo

Welcome to the Jaffrey Police Department Home Page.  I am very proud to be serving as the Chief of Police for the Town of Jaffrey.  The men and women of our agency are fortunate to serve a community that values us and supports our mission.  For that we are grateful and we promise to do our best to create and sustain a law enforcement culture in Jaffrey that is based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.   

Our agency is a full-time police department staffed 24-hours a day by a minimum of two officers.  We are allocated for eleven full-time officers, two part-time officers, and a civilian Office Manager.  Teamwork and comradery are essential for us to accomplish our mission. 

The Jaffrey Police Department’s core responsibility is to protect and serve our community in a manner that enhances the safety and quality of life of our residents.  To that end, the we pledge to uphold our core values of Honor, Integrity, Courage, and Respect while providing effective police services in a professional, courteous, and equitable manner.  As Chief of Police, my priorities are safety, customer service, and the professional development of all our employees.  


The safety of our citizens, officers, and community is paramount.  We will strive to create a safe and welcoming environment in the Town of Jaffrey through the utilization of community policing initiatives, industry “best practices” for procedural and legal liability protections, sound proactive and reactive tactics, and employee wellness programs.

Customer Service

 This is the essence of our core responsibility to “protect and serve”.  We will strive to provide the most professional, comprehensive, and prompt police services in a manner that embodies our core values of Honor, Integrity, Courage and Respect.

Professional Development

There is no substitute for competence.  We will strive to continually educate, train, and mentor each of our employees to help them grow to their fullest potential and to demonstrate our sincere interest in their professional development.  This will enhance the safety, expertise, confidence, and morale of our employees.  Ultimately it will expand and improve the quality of services we deliver to our community.

We encourage you to explore our web page to learn more about us and we welcome you to call us with any questions or concerns. 

Office: 603-532-7865

Very Respectfully,

Chief Todd Muilenberg

Operational Goals

The operational goals for the Jaffrey Police Department reflect our core responsibility to “protect and serve” our community.  We strive to accomplish these goals by working as a team and upholding our core values of Honor, Integrity, Courage, and Respect

Mission Statement

“The Jaffrey Police Department recognizes and embraces our noble duty to serve as the entrusted guardians of peace, justice, and democracy in our community.  We pledge to uphold our core values of Honor, Integrity, Courage, and Respect as we provide effective police services in a professional, courteous, and equitable manner.  We will work as a team, collaborate with our citizens, and problem solve together to establish mutual respect, trust, and understanding.  Lastly, we will be dedicated to our mission, loyal to each other, and disciplined in our endeavors to create and sustain a safe and welcoming environment for our citizens and guests.”

Vision Statement

“The Jaffrey Police Department is amongst the most professional, credible, and respected law enforcement agencies in the region.  We provide outstanding police services in a manner that exhibits our core values of Honor, Integrity, Courage, and Respect.  We are progressive, innovative, and adaptable to the changing needs of our community.  We have collaborative working partnerships with our citizens and Town government that allow us to enhance public safety while fostering an environment of mutual respect, trust, and cooperation.” 

Values Statement 

"The Jaffrey Police Department strives to establish our credibility and reputation through the embodiment of our core values ~ Honor, Integrity, Courage, and Respect.  Utilizing these values, and many others, we will exhibit the highest levels of professionalism and ethical standards.  Pride will be our reward.  If we can demonstrate legitimacy in our pride, then our citizens will be proud of us."


Honor is our promise to always do what is right, and our pledge to strive for excellence.  It is the manner with which we perform our sworn duties and is the catalyst for the self-pride and respect that enables us to turn our job into our profession. 


We will never compromise our integrity.  We will always be honest with ourselves and others to earn and sustain the trust and confidence of those we serve. 


Courage reflects the content and strength of our character, and it resonates to those around us.  It is at the heart of every virtue.  It is consistent, persistent, and resilient to external influences.  “The courageous are not deterred by fear or adversity.  They simply acknowledge its presence and choose to continue.” ~ TM


Respect is the state of being regarded with honor or esteem.  Respect for our character, competence, wisdom, and vision must be earned and maintained through our daily words and actions.  We will respect ourselves and we will respect the citizens we serve.