
How to Boost Your Recruitment Efforts with Promotion Tools from PoliceApp


What’s the key to a successful recruitment process? Promotion. Making sure your available positions are widely promoted using a variety of methods is the best way to attract a diverse population of applicants and find the best possible candidates for your department.

At PoliceApp, our goal is to give you the tools you need for successful recruitment, and that goes beyond the nuts-and-bolts of the actual application and hiring process. We also offer a wide range of marketing tools and opportunities that you can use as an extension of your local promotional activities to help you achieve maximum coverage.

Here’s how to use PoliceApp to maximize your recruitment efforts:

Set Up Website Integration

Increase the visibility of your career opportunities by prominently displaying jobs on your website. This enables potential candidates to easily find your open job information and quickly link to the application.

When you use PoliceApp’s Website Integration feature, all your open jobs will display on your department website, increasing your reach with local applicants and letting you easily manage and promote your active positions.

Website Integration is easy to set up and should take your webmaster about 10 minutes. To access the code, click Website Integration under Administrative Tools located on your welcome screen, then copy the three lines of code provided and send them to your webmaster.

This should be completed as soon as you receive your login credentials from PoliceApp.

Enable Email Capture

The time to start collecting leads is not when an application process opens, it’s weeks before. Remember: Always be recruiting!
PoliceApp’s Email Capture tool lets you build your recruitment database with promising leads and let them know when your department starts accepting applications.

Simply contact PoliceApp to have Email Capture added to your page. Once candidates enter their name and email, those contacts are collected and managed by PoliceApp, and candidates are automatically notified when applications are being accepted for open positions.

This should be completed at least 6 weeks before opening an application process.

Set Up Recruitment Lead Management

To assist you with your local recruitment, the Recruitment Lead Management tool allows you to collect and manage prospective applicant leads from career fairs and other local recruitment efforts.

Leads are collected in your department dashboard, and you stay engaged with prospective applicants by sending them current and future job openings and tracking whether they applied.

Recruitment Lead Management is located under Administrative Tools on your welcome screen:

This should be completed at least 6 weeks before opening an application process.

Create a Department Spotlight Interview

Facts and figures can only tell a candidate so much. If you want to give applicants an idea of what it’s really like to work for your department, as well as what duties and expectations they’ll be required to fulfill, create a department spotlight interview.

To create a department spotlight interview, a member of the PoliceApp staff will conduct a phone interview with a member of your department. The interview will take just 7-10 minutes, and you’ll be given the questions before the interview to give you time to prepare.

Questions might include:
• What qualifications are you looking for in an applicant?
• Why would I want to work for your department?
• What advice would you give to applicants?

Once the interview is complete, PoliceApp will turn it into a video by adding visual elements as a backdrop to the audio, then add the video to your job announcements and promote it on social media.

Contact PoliceApp to schedule an interview 2 weeks before opening an application process.

Launch a Live Virtual Recruitment Drive

Career fairs can be expensive and aren’t always productive. Our live virtual recruitment drives let you directly address potential candidates to market your department without geographic limitations.

Live virtual recruitment drives are webinars that are hosted and moderated by PoliceApp staff. Because a webinar can be attended virtually by anyone regardless of geographic location, virtual recruitment drives are a great tool to attract a larger and more diverse applicant pool.

PoliceApp takes care of setting up the webinar, accepting registrations, promoting the live event on social media, and posting it to your job announcement.

When it’s time for the event to take place, a member of the PoliceApp team will make a short introduction, then a member of your department will do a brief 15-20-minute presentation using a template provided by PoliceApp. PoliceApp staff will then moderate a 10-15 minute Q&A session.

This should be scheduled 2 weeks before opening an application process.

Support and Promotion for Your Local Recruiting Efforts

PoliceApp isn’t just for promoting your positions, we are also here to promote your efforts in community policing.

Let us know of any events you are coordinating with your community or stories of officers making a difference, and we’ll get the word out on our PoliceApp social media outlets.

As always, if you need any help implementing any of these recruitment methods, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 855-720-2777 or contact us online.