Oklahoma Police Department Jobs

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Featured Oklahoma Police Department Jobs

Entry Level jobs Salary Deadline Apply Online
Jenks Police Department $19.51/hr. Aug 31, 2024 Quick Apply
Jenks Police Department $19.51/hr. Dec 31, 2024 Quick Apply

Certified jobs Salary Deadline Apply Online
Jenks Police Department $19.51/hr. Aug 31, 2024 Quick Apply

Dispatcher jobs Salary Deadline Apply Online
Jenks Police Department $17.50 for uncertified and $18.00 for certified Aug 31, 2024 Quick Apply

Other jobs Salary Deadline Apply Online
Jenks - Animal Control Officer $19.27/hr. Sep 30, 2024 Quick Apply
Jenks - Reserve Police Officer $19.51/hr. Dec 31, 2024 Quick Apply

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