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Chief: Thomas Rudzinski
Address: 1825 Municipal Drive
Lancaster PA 17601
Phone: (717) 569-6401
Number of Officers: 64
Population Served: 62000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Crisis Negotiations, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drone, Drug Task Force, K-9 Unit, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical

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About the Manheim Township Police Department



The Manheim Township Police Department serves the communities of Manheim Township, East Petersburg Borough and Lancaster Township by protecting citizens and property, preventing crime, enforcing laws, and maintaining order.  Beginning as a small three-officer department in the 1950's, the MTPD is a highly specialized and effective modern police force with a full array of crime fighting and policing capabilities and a proactive approach to law enforcement and community policing.


The mission of the Manheim Township Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in Manheim Township, East Petersburg Borough, and Lancaster Township, through partnerships with residents, schools, faith, community based groups, and other entities of government in a manner that promotes the preservation of life and property, assures the orderly movement of traffic, maintains peaceful public order, reduces fear, provides for a safe and secure environment, and ensures the enforcement of law with respect for human dignity.


The MT Police Department patrols the 23.88 square miles of Manheim Township, 2.0 square miles of East Petersburg Borough and 6.0 square miles of Lancaster Township.  The police force consists of 65 sworn police officers and 21 full-time and part-time civilian employees organized into three functioning divisions: 

  • Patrol Division - The patrol division is composed of an Administrative Sergeant, a Patrol Section with four platoons of uniformed officers, each supervised by a Sergeant and a Patrol Support Section. The Patrol Support Section consists of a Selective Enforcement Unit, a School Crossing Guard Unit, a Park Guard Unit, Fire Police Units and Front Desk Personnel.
  • Special Operations Division - The special operations division is composed of an Investigative Section and a Special Services Section (DARE Program, Evidence Property & Court Liaison, Crime Prevention Coordination, Youth Liaison, Homeland Security and Intelligence)
  • Administrative Support Division - The administrative support staff is composed of the Planning, Office and Equipment, Physical Plant and Records Sections.