Assonet MA 02702
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Search Nearby JobsAbout the Commonwealth Police Services, Inc
Commonwealth Police Service, Inc. (CPS, Inc.) is a Massachusetts based corporation designed to provide police training to law enforcement officials here in the Commonwealth. All materials and presentations are written solely on Massachusetts law and procedure. CPS, Inc., has been Massachusetts law enforcement community’s premier provider of hands-on seminars and practical reference materials and textbooks since 1987.
The founder of CPS, Inc., Attorney Patrick M. Rogers, has lectured to thousands of police officers on various legal topics. He has over thirty years of police law enforcement experience and has authored a number of textbooks for CPS, Inc. that are used state-wide by thousands of police officers everyday. Additionally, he is also the author of the state-wide handbooks on Domestic Violence and Constitutional Law published by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The qualifications and experience offered by CPS, Inc. is unparalleled by any other service in the Commonwealth. CPS, Inc. and it’s staff are the best suited to help you prepare for police promotions exams.
Massachusetts Police Training:
The seminars, workshops and clinics sponsored by CPS, Inc., offer thoughtful analysis of recent legal developments as well as very practical information about the nuts and bolts of the varied tasks the Massachusetts law enforcement official must face everyday. CPS, Inc., offers tools for every facet of Massachusetts police training. Our training seminars provide learning for all career levels, and help you prepare for every level of police promotions exams.
Compelling Content:
Thousands of Massachusetts police officers have attended our presentations. Apart from the compelling content each presentation provides, each law enforcement official attending has the opportunity to speak with and learn from the most prominent legal practitioners in the field. Our presentations are taught by the best of the best.