White River Junction VT 05001
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Hartford Police Department
Full-time/Sworn: 23 Annual Budget: $2,049,062 Full-time/Civilian: 2 Population: 11,000
Patrol Units: 6 Marked, 3 Unmarked Grant Awards: $1,097,498
The Town of Hartford, Vermont is more readily identified by one of its villages - White River Junction. Hartford is actually composed of five different and separate villages, White River Junction, Wilder, Hartford, West Hartford and Quechee.
The official population of Hartford is estimated at 11,000, but a conservative guess of actual daytime population is closer to 20,000+. With a major scenic area and on the route to other tourist and ski areas, our community experiences a large amount of non-residential and temporary visitors.
Hartford is highlighted by transportation; two major New England interstates converge in Hartford, rail lines for major freight movement, and Amtrak and Greyhound Bus is also within our community.
Hartford is considered part of a three town "development" area rounded out by the City of Lebanon and Town of Hanover, New Hampshire. These areas share not only rapidly expanding economic bases and strong growth, but share crime and service demands as well. Lebanon houses the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and Hanover is the home of Dartmouth College.
Hartford houses the largest Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Vermont, which sets on 64 acres with several major structures. The V. A. Hospital serves both Vermont and New Hampshire Veterans, and has an annual basis of 175,000 outpatient visits.
The Hartford Police Department provides a wide range of police services to its five villages that are spread over an area of 39 square miles. Our network of roads demands patrol of more than 170 miles of streets, not including Interstates 91 and 89 where we frequently assist Vermont State Police. The department handles nearly 25,000 incidents each year, with 4,100 of those incidents meeting the entry criteria of CAD, which is a state wide computerized system; Spillman.
Department members participate in numerous community events that include Hartford Youth Safety Fair, Vermont Special Olympics, Project Grad, YABBA, etc. The department supports the Restorative Justice program, and is a strong advocate of community policing.