Logo for: PoliceApp
Chief: Edward Reynolds
Address: 2900 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden CT 06518
Fax: 203-230-4000
Number of Officers: 103
Population Served: 64000
Seasonal Pop. Served: 67000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Computer Forensics Laboratory, Crisis Negotiations, Drug Task Force, Gang Task Force, Homicide, K-9 Unit, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical, And more...

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About the Hamden Police Department

“Hamden Police Department believes partnering with the community is the best RECIPE for success in providing optimum service and superior quality policing: RESPECT; EXCELLENCE; COMPASSION; INTEGRITY; PROFESSIONALISM; ENTHUSIASM.”  - Chief Edward Page Reynolds



It is the mission of the Hamden Department of Police Services to protect the rights and integrity of all persons without prejudice or bias against race, religion, ethnic, national origin or sexual orientation within its jurisdiction; to safeguard the diversities of our communities and its citizens; to be free from criminal attack, threats of violence and persecution, secure in possessions, and vigilant so that together we can enjoy peace and harmony.



HPD’s CORE VALUES (our RECIPE for success)

RESPECT - The Hamden Police Department recognizes that its members are its greatest asset, and our actions shall reflect this belief. We will respect our citizens, recognizing the value in our ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic diversity. We will also respect each other as professionals and fellow human beings.

EXCELLENCE - We will strive for personal and professional excellence, dedication to duty and the delivery of quality service to the public. We are part of a team dedicated to the safety and protection of our community. Our actions will reflect intelligence, sincere, efficient and courteous service.

COMPASSION - We will endeavor to always recognize the value of sincerely caring for our fellow citizens through sympathy, empathy, and a commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those around us. We will strive to treat (and police) others the way we would want to be treated. With fair, courteous, and responsive service, we will recognize the dignity and worth of those individuals we come in contact with.

INTEGRITY - We value truth, honor and ethical principles as the foundation to building trust in our professional relationships. We believe in the principles embodied in the Constitution. We recognize the authority of federal, state and local laws. Honesty and truth must be the standards in all our interactions with the community and with our members.

PROFESSIONALISM - Professionalism requires impeccable conduct. Courteous service with intelligent, innovative, and thorough problem-solving skills is paramount. We embrace the careful protection of all citizens' rights and the maintenance of high levels of accountability from all members of the Department.

ENTHUSIASM - We have an optimistic and enthusiastic approach to policing and service to our community. From serious crimes to minor offenses, we are committed to solving neighborhood problems. We care about the quality of life in our town’s neighborhoods and believe that our services must answer their needs. We believe that while crime prevention is our principal goal, we should vigorously pursue those who commit serious crimes. Vigorous law enforcement is an important deterrent to serious crime. When crimes do occur, the Department must react with vigorous law enforcement, moving aggressively toward arrest and prosecution of the perpetrator.