Logo for: PoliceApp
Address: 127 Norwich Avenue
Colchester CT 06415
Phone: (860)-537-7270
Number of Officers: 10
Population Served: 17000
Seasonal Pop. Served: 17000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, DARE Program, Drone, School Resource Officer, Special Vehicle Unit

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About the Colchester Police Department




The Colchester Police Department, located at the Northwest corner of the Colchester Town Hall is a full-service department responsible as the primary law enforcement agency for the Town of Colchester from 0700-2400 hrs daily. The Department is supervised and supported by The CT State Police with primary law enforcement duties assumed by the CT State Police (Troop K) at 2400 hrs daily.

Community services provided by the Colchester Police include, but are not limited to: Youth Services, School Resource Officer, TRIAD, Neighborhood Crime Watch, and support of a number of additional Community Policing initiatives.